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Growth Publisher Law & Growth Publisher Management & GPL


Entrepreneurial Strategy and Innovation

Companies are constantly on the quest for finding new business opportunities to strengthen their position on the market. Growth through innovation is the central idea of this book.

Author: Rico J. Baldegger
Pages: 295
Cover: Softcover
Language: English
Published: April 2008

Companies are constantly on the quest for finding new business opportunities to strengthen their position on the market. Growth through innovation is the central idea of this book.

On the basis of different concepts and case studies, the book explains the interdependencies of innovation, growth and corporate strategy. In all chapters, the principal of integrated corporate development – integration of strategy, structure and culture – and the life cycle concept act as an organizing framework.

The first part of the book is dedicated to the phenomenon of entrepreneurship and puts the entrepreneurial behavior in the foreground. Themes such as corporate development, change management and discovering entrepreneurial opportunities and business ideas build the main part.

Innovation, technology, growth and internationalization are the bullet points in the second part of the book. The focus lies on the innovation process, the model of disruptive innovation, the different growth models and the various internationalization strategies.

The third and last part of the book is dedicated to 4 case studies. The case studies should help the reader to apply the theoretical concepts to a concrete example. Dartfish, Drake Boinay, Performancebase.com and Ypsomed cover different problems and should animate the reader to learn interactively.

CHF 65.00
Enthaltene Mehrwertsteuer 2.5%
CHF 1.59

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